Parent Handbook
Welcome to After School Clubs, Inc.
After School Clubs, Inc. (ASC) is committed to equal opportunity for all persons in its programs, activities, and employment policies regardless of race, color, gender, creed, religion, age, ancestry, natural origin, parental status, economic circumstances, medical status, and physical or mental abilities.
Our program was established in 1987 as a non-profit, community based child care program dedicated to providing professional care to children ages 5-12. After School Clubs, Inc. is licensed for 150 children. After School Clubs, Inc. has several programs including the Breakfast Club, the After School Club, and the Summer Club.
Our program provides a diversity of age appropriate activities for children including: arts and crafts, free play, outdoor play, organized games, cooking, science, quiet time, individual/small group/large group activities, field trips. We also utilize the businesses in the community such as the Oregon Pool and the Oregon Library among others for our walking field trips.
After School Clubs, Inc. believes in celebrating all holidays and celebrations. If there is a tradition or celebration that your family partakes in, please share it with us and your child’s ASC teacher to share in these experiences.
After School Clubs, Inc. is a state licensed center which abides by the Wisconsin Licensing Rules for Group Day Care Centers. Families can access the DCF licensing rules at:
The information in this handbook provides general policy and procedure information applicable to After School Clubs, Inc. as a whole. Please read this handbook carefully and become familiar with our policies, procedures and schedules. You can also view our policies and daily events on our website at
Lisa Gits, Executive Director (
Jamie Garvoille, Director (
Joleen Freiberg, Assistant Director, (