After School Clubs, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to the care of school-age children. 

Tel: (608) 835-9808



After School Clubs, Inc.
276 Soden Drive
Oregon, WI 53575 (608) 835-9808

After School Clubs, Inc. November 2017

Hello ASC Families,

The cold weather has arrived!!!! Now through March children need to have a warm coat, mittens or gloves, boots and a hat readily available to wear during after school time or on non-school days during full days. The challenging elements of our WI weather sometimes means a child would be faced with colder or wetter conditions at mid-day than when he/she left in the morning.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not pick up or drop off your child at the bottom of the back door stairs. This not only causes traffic jams, it is NOT a parking spot. Please pull into a parking spot to come into ASC to pick up your child. SAFETY of our children and all other children is very important and not adhering to this may cause you to get a ticket.

November Updates
• We will have a full day this month. We will have a full day on Wednesday, 11/22 at our ASC/NKE site. Remember to pack a cold lunch and drink as well as outside gear.


Illness Policy
Your child cannot attend if they display any of the following symptoms:
Rash-undiagnosed or contagious
Contagious Illness: Contact ASC if your child is infected with a contagious disease, so that we may post an exposure to the disease.

Sick children are prohibited from attending the program until such time as they are certified to be healthy. If a child/youth does have any of these symptoms listed above we ask that you keep your child out of ASC for 24 hours or until they are symptom free. This allows us not to spread viruses or illnesses around our facility with other children and/or Teachers.

Sign In and Out and Cell Phones
We are asking that all families use your cell phones before you arrive into our buildings at ASC. We may have to discuss an item with you and we want to be sure that before you depart you hear about what will be taking place or an area we may need assistance from you with your child/youth.

We are accountable for every child/youth in our program at ASC. We ask that when you pick up or drop off your child/youth, please check in with our ASC staff members. This way we can make sure that your child/youth is properly signed in and out and we can update you about what will be taking place or any updates we may need to address with you. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Late Pick up
Our WI License states our hours and we have to abide by them. On all non-school days, we are open from 7:00-5:45. At our ASC/NKE site. Please adhere to our pick up times. Our Teachers and Directors have a set time that they all work to and from during the day and the ASC Board wants them to return home after the set closing time to their own families. The clocks that are in the cafeterias are the clocks that ASC uses to determine the correct time. We consider it an honor to work with our families. Please understand that there is a set time that ASC is open and closed for the day.
*****************************Late Fees:
$1.00 per minute per child
(The wall clocks in the cafeterias will be used to determine the correct time.)

Notify ASC when not attending. A 24-hour answering machine is available at our After School Club’s office at 835-9808 or you may e-mail to or or The school district does not inform ASC of absences. Parents are responsible for regular tuition in the event of an absence. If we need to call you to locate your child, you will receive a charge of $2.00 per phone call.

On non-school days or during the summer session every child must be accounted for by 9:00 A.M. If a child does not show up by 9:00 A.M. and an email or phone call was not given to an ASC staff member, the management team will call each family to account for them in our program. If you will be later than 9:00 A.M. on these days, please call us at 835-9808 or email us with any changes or updates. Please make sure that the email was acknowledged by one of the Directors if sending an email.

Help Support ASC with Bill’s Receipts
Please help us raise funds for our June Venden Scholarship fund. It is very easy… When you shop at Bill’s Food Store bring in your receipt and drop it into our fish bowl marked Bill’s Receipts. You no longer need a Support Oregon sticker from Bill’s. This sticker was getting too costly for Bill’s Grocer Store. Thank you for your helping us raise funds for our families we serve at ASC.

Regularly, full time, enrolled children will receive the following vacation days:
School Year: 2 weeks
Summer:1 week
A “week” is measured by your child’s normal weekly schedule. One week of unused school year vacation may be carried into the following summer session. If your family arrives during the school year, vacation credit amounts will be prorated. Vacation may not be carried over from summer to school year. A “Vacation Request Form” must be filled out and submitted to the ASC office one-week in advance of vacation days. E-mail to the Directors can also be completed to receive credit.

Please view the list of activities that our groups are doing this November!

• Please be sure to have your child bring their library card for the Oregon Library for Library days as well as socks on bowling days and a swimsuit and towel on swimming days to be able to participate!

Group Games: 11/2, 11/9
Computer Lab: 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 11/22
Oregon Library: 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27
Movie: 11/8
Project with Janelle: 11/14
Swimming at the Oregon Pool: 11/21: please pack a suit and towel
Oregon Bowl: 11/29

Oregon Library: 11/1, 11/15, 11/29
Group Games: 11/2, 11/9
Oregon Bowl: 11/3
Computer Lab: 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27
Karla project: 11/8
Movie: 11/22
Project with Janelle: 11/28

Computer Lab: 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29
Oregon Library: 11/3, 11/10, 11/17
Group Games: 11/6, 11/20, 11/27
Swimming at the Oregon Pool: 11/7: please pack a suit and towel
Project with Janelle: 11/9
Oregon Bowl: 11/13
Walking Field Trip: 11/14
Movie: 11/28

Computer Lab: 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29
Movie: 11/3
Group Games: 11/6, 11/20, 11/27
Oregon Library: 11/7, 11/14, 11/21
Project with Janelle: 11/16
Oregon Bowl: 11/17
Swimming at the Oregon Pool: 11/28: please pack a suit and towel

Group Games: 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29
Oregon Library: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30
Computer Lab: 11/3, 11/10, 11/17
Movie: 11/13
Swimming at the Oregon Pool: 11/14: please pack a suit and towel
Oregon Bowl: 11/20
Project with Janelle: 11/21

Group Games: 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29
Computer Lab: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30
Oregon Library: 11/3, 11/10, 11/17
Project with Janelle: 11/7
Swimming at the Oregon Pool: 11/14: please pack a suit and towel
Movie: 11/21
Oregon Bowl: 11/27

Oregon Bowl: 11/1
Oregon Library: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30
Computer Lab: 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 11/28
Walking Field Trip: 11/10
Movie: 11/17
Project with Janelle: 11/22
Swimming at the Oregon Pool: 11/28: please pack a suit and towel

Oregon Library: 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/29
Project with Janelle: 11/2
Group Games: 11/3, 11/17
Computer Lab: 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27
Oregon Bowl: 11/10
Movie: 11/14
Swimming at the Oregon Pool: 11/21: please pack a suit and towel

Computer Lab: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30
Oregon Library: 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27
Swimming at the Oregon Pool: 11/7: please pack a suit and towel
Movie: 11/15
Oregon Bowl: 11/22
Walking Field Trip: 11/28
Project with Janelle: 11/30

Have a great November,

Jamie, Janelle and Lisa